Prevention Of RSI - 10 Simple Tips

By Paul Goddard

I frequently get calls from people who have been told they have RSI and want to know which mouse would be the best choice for relieving their symptoms. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was as simple as selecting the right pill to get an instant cure?

RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury is an all encompassing term that covers a multitude of symptoms and conditions, but isn't a diagnosis in itself. It's more of a general term like "sports injury" which could mean a bump on the head or sprained ankle.

When you think about it most ailments will get the default advice of "take 2 paracetemol and stay in bed" regardless of what might be wrong. It seems to be a method for finding out if your own defence systems will deal with the problem if given a couple of days to get on with it and if you don't get better presumably you will come back. It is not uncommon to hear some doctors recommending that the best way to cure Repetitive Strain Injury is to stop repeating the activity that is causing the strain, which results in the injury.

For most of us advice that involves a complete career change that excludes use of a computer is unrealistic so in fact there are only two practical options; avoid getting the problem in the first place, or develop a means of managing it so that you can still work on a computer.

RSI is avoidable, and this is obviously the best plan. As anyone has experienced RSI will tell you, it's painful and has a serious impact on your working life.

The following steps are my suggestions for working on a computer without suffering.

1. Adjust your whole workstation to fit you not the other way around

2. If your equipment is not positioned correctly and you can not adjust it - it is not ergonomic and you will suffer as a result.

3. Start with your posture and invest in a good adjustable chair. It might seem expensive but is less costly than back treatment and much less painful

4. Get your desk to the right height for you - not what your chair will allow. You can do this by inserting small blocks of wood under the feet or saw a bit off its too high (if you share a workspace a height adjustable desk makes life much easier for all)

5. Get a fully adjustable, Goldtouch keyboard. These are quite simply the best, You can read up on why by Googling "Goldtouch keyboard"

6. Get another mouse or even better get two, and keep the one you have. Keep switching between them so that you minimise the repetition. Get different ones, a trackball might feel a bit strange at first but you will get used to it. Vertical mice help a great deal to reduce twisting or pronation in the wrist

7. Get a document holder that can sit over and behind your keyboard. There are lots to choose from, the Microdesk will fit over the Goldtouch and gives lots of space for papers. The key feature is that you want to keep all your work in a straight line head up position

8. Adjust your monitor to the right height and distance. Monitor arms are ideal and easy to use with flat screen monitors. They also free up space on your desk. If you need to use a laptop make sure you have a stand to get the screen to the right height and always use an external keyboard and mouse

9. Use RSI Guard - ALWAYS. You are part of the problem because you think it won't happen to you or you simply can't be bothered. RSI Guard is simple software that can really help you be more aware of how your behaviour is hurting you.

10. Do something now! The whole problem with RSI is that your body will put up with the way you treat it for quite a long time but once it gives up - you are in big trouble, and the road back is painful and slow. Some people never really recover at all. They are the ones who found this stuff to boring to read, don't join them! - 30287

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Learning About Inflammatory Arthritis

By Kim Archer

Inflammatory arthritis includes a variety of illnesses that attack the joints because of immune system problems. Many forms of inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, are autoimmune disorders, in which the body views its own tissues as being foreign, and in turn reacts with inflammation. Other varieties, such as reactive arthritis, are the body's response to a bacterial infection. Another type of inflammatory arthritis is psoriatic arthritis. This is related to the skin condition, psoriasis.

Arthritis technically refers to any painful inflammation of the joints, and arthritis conditions can range from being so mild that they are hardly noticeable to so severe that they are practically debilitating. Arthritis can be overwhelming and the associated pain is often severe enough to interfere with daily tasks.

There are quite a few different possibilities when it comes to the causes of inflammatory arthritis. Unhealthy habits like excessive drinking or smoking are thought to be linked to the development of this disease so these habits should be discontinued to minimize the risk. Certain blood types are also more prone to developing this condition than others, and so you will want to be aware that genetics can often play a role here.

The symptoms of inflammatory arthritis are often so subtle and general that it is easy to mistake them for signs of something else, even just a regular cold or flu. When the disease is active, common symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, muscle and joint aches, and stiffness.

Inflammation is a commonly experienced symptom of the disease. You may feel as though there is significant swelling in joints which occurs without warning regardless of how much the affected joint has been used, and joints may become stiff and difficult to move.

Chronic inflammation can cause serious damage to the body's tissues and cartilage, so if you are ever experiencing any of these symptoms you want to report them to your doctor as soon as possible. The good news is that inflammatory arthritis is usually pretty easy to diagnose. Then you can start on the path to treatment, and fortunately in today's advanced day and age there are plenty of treatment options available.

There are many over the counter medications and treatments available that will help to ease the pain associated with arthritis, but there is no known cure for arthritic conditions. Even though medical treatments cannot make the illness go away, they can help you live a healthy, active life. - 30287

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The Link Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

By Brenlee Place

There has been some discussion in recent years that severe fibromyalgia and fatigue syndromes are actually the same medical condition. Nearly all fibromyalgia sufferers also report having chronic fatigue (CF) and/or sleeping disorders, for example. In patients who meet the definition of chronic fatigue syndrome, a good portion of them experience tenderness in the joints or muscles, as well as headaches. Both syndromes affect primarily women between the ages of 20-50. Since the root causes are so elusive, patients of either syndrome often join forces to find constructive treatments.

Those who suffer from CF and severe fibromyalgia assert that fatigue is the most incapacitating element of their disease since they feel hyper-sensitive to pain and are never totally alert, which can have an effect on all of their daily tasks. Consequently treatments for fibromyalgia and CF usually begin with managing sleep patterns, states Mary Rose, behavioral sleep specialist and clinical psychologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

"We recognize from research that sleep improves disposition, pain, and the general way that individuals feel throughout the day," she says. "Regardless of the causes of CF, if we can get some control over quality of sleep, you're almost certain to notice positive benefits for mood, fatigue, concentration."

Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients usually have a lot of bad habits that prevent them from getting adequate rest. "Don't lie in bed, worrying and stressing," Dr. Rose tells her patients. "Get up, go to the other room. When you're calmer, relaxed, feel tired, go back to bed." Another recommendation with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome is to avoid napping. "A lot of patients have circadian rhythm problems. Napping can throw you off. Any sleep during the daytime will be taken from your sleep at night," Dr. Rose adds. Limiting noise and distractions in the bedroom, blocking out all light and participating in calming activities before bed are all ways to improve sleep quality.

Patients who have any sort of syndromes, diseases and conditions find that stress exacerbates their maladies. Therefore, stress reduction is essential for anyone suffering from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue. Gentle exercises like yoga, Pilates and meditation can help patients unwind and sleep better. Relaxation exercises and meditation can also help individuals normalize their heart rates and lower blood pressure, which contributes to an overall feeling of wellbeing. Stretching several times a day and taking nice warm baths are pleasant ways to provide gentle comfort to an aching body. - 30287

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Ways To Relieve Neck Pain

By Mark Thomas

Pain in the neck muscles is often a result of spasms and too much stretching of the neck muscles. An inflammation in the neck joints can also lead to this condition. If your cervical vertebrae get injured or you have arthritis, then this too can give rise to pain and stiffness in the neck.

Sleeping with a pillow that doesn't suit your head and is not symmetrical can be a reason for the stiffness in your neck. If you stay in the posture resting your forehead on your arm or hand for a considerable length of time, then that too can lead to pain and stiffness in your neck muscles. However, a correction in your posture and the knowledge of your body movements can take care of the conditions triggering the neck pain and stiffness.

Any injury in the neck or head zone, where a nerve suffers an injury and can't function as it is expected to, can also be the reason for pain in the neck and surrounding muscles. This can also happen due to over straining of the neck muscles through exercising more than the body can handle.

A great natural remedy to stay away from a stiff neck is to maintain a good posture. If your neck pain tends to increase after a days work, then you should assess how you spent your day. If your work is computer related, then make sure that the computer screen is at your eye level. Take breaks in between work to change your body position. Being in an unchanged position can be a hindrance in proper blood circulation.

A regime of exercising the muscles around your neck can make them tough and powerful. Keeping the nose along the central line of your body also helps maintain symmetry in body position. During sleeping, you head should be straight and not twisted at an angle. If the stiffness recurs when you wake up, then changing your mattress might help relieve your pain.

The ways listed above usually relieve a stiff neck or pain in the neck, but if for some reason they don't help you , then you should go through a medical checkup. If you feel any pain in your arm or hands or any numbing sensation in your fingers with the neck pain, then it might be due to a pinched nerve and you should consult a doctor about your problem. - 30287

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Pain Relief and Arthritis

By Scarlett Gillman

According to medical specialists, when you've got arthritis, you're doubtless to suffer other diseases. People who have arthritis often feel joint pains as a result of it is amid inflammation. Arthralgia is the medical term for the joint pain. There are over 40 million arthritis sufferers in the United States and they're all continuously wanting for effective pain relief. The disease is considered debilitating as a result of sufferers will hardly stand the inflammation and pain.

Arthritis will have an effect on different components of your body however in most cases, the pain and inflammation occurs on the - tendinitis, fibromyalgia, sclerodermal, and joint types or articular. Tendinitis aims at the tendons; Sclerodermal refers to the thickening of the connective tissue and skin; when the muscles become tender and sore particularly when touched, it's referred to as fibromyalgia; and also the articular refers to lupus or gout and it will be really painful.

You'll be able to tell when arthritis is going to hit you; whether or not you're young or previous, you'll suffer from arthritis. At present, a majority of arthritis sufferers have Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Individuals who have these conditions feel persistent back and joint pains. The causes of Osteo-arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are completely different, as well as the results and risk factors. If you'resuffering with arthritis symptoms, you can select among the different pain relief devices, medication, and products sold within the market.

In the US, Osteo-arthritis affects more than 21 million people in numerous age ranges. If you've got this condition, it's natural to own swollen limbs. Your joint cartilage is affected and it conjointly results in stiffness. The condition is commonly known as OA and it will affect completely different body parts just like the spine, hips, knees, and fingers. Different elements like the ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists will also be affected but this seldom happens. In step with medical experts, these parts are subject to OA if there's a history of unusual stress or injury. Physical trauma and repetitive injury throughout early age will also cause OA.

The common OA symptoms are intermittent or steady joint pain, stiffness, tenderness or swelling of joint/joints, and crunchy feeling when you move around.

The only manner to determine if you've got OA is through an x-ray. If the symptoms are already present, the doctor can request an x-ray. The x-ray results will reveal the cartilage deformation additionally because the tissues around it. Joint Aspiration will also be performed by a qualified doctor. A sample of fluid will be taken from your affected joints with the use of a tiny needle.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another dreaded condition as a result of it is characterized by chronic and progressive pain of the joints. The synovial tissues tend to extend in size and this is referred to as hyperplasia. This condition provokes bone and cartilage destruction. Damaged cells will eventually die and it conjointly promotes abnormal growth of the encompassing tissues.

Natural merchandise like cod liver, olive oil, and ginger act as pain relievers. These are renowned and affordable product which can relieve pain effectively. Try them out now and see the pain relievers can conjointly work for you. When you feel chronic and progressive joint pains, consult a doctor immediately as a result of you'll be plagued by arthritis already. It would be best to handle your condition at an early stage to prevent the onset of undesirable effects of the disease. - 30287

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Treating Fibromyalgia Naturally- Dealing And Coping With Fibromyalgia Pain

By Shaun Marsh

Fibromyalgia is defined as a type of chronic condition that is characterized by extreme pain in the ligaments, muscles or the tendons. It is also a type of illness that causes fatigue on tender points of the body. Other signs of fibromyalgia include restless legs syndrome, irritable bowel movements, numbness, anxiety, or painful menstrual periods among women. With all these common symptoms, fibromyalgia is probably one of today's most common types of medical problems.

Looking for the proper treatment of fibromyalgia has been a concern among many especially that hundreds and thousands of people already suffer from it. And one common consideration is to seek for fibromyalgia natural cures, in the hopes of helping patients to minimize their FM sufferings.

Vitamin D is probably the most common of all fibromyalgia natural cures. It has been proven that FM is often characterized by the body's vitamins D deficiency. So if you take in a generous amount of vitamin D religiously, you will achieve less painful fibromyalgia attacks in the future.

SamE, OR S-adenosylmethionine, is another form of fibromyalgia natural cures. Treatments that contain SAMe is proven effective for use since SAMe is that compound in your body vitally needed to keep your immune system working properly. SAMe is also the compound that aids the breakdown of your body's neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, or norepinephrine. Generally, SAMe is one good way in curing fibromyalgia because it also has a major function in the cartilage formation of your body.

Finding the right fibromyalgia natural cures is actually not that difficult since you practically have numerous options today. However, you must understand that one cure may work with others and it won't do well on you. That's because fibromyalgia cases vary from one another.

So in order to find out which natural cure for FM is right for you, it is important to consult your medical practitioner first and discuss what may be a possibility with your case. - 30287

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Medicinal Mushroom Hot Water Extract vs. Alcohol Extract

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Medicinal mushrooms have been immensely popular in Asia for millennia. Today, Americans are waking up to these powerful nutraceuticals. In the wake of this new awareness follow issues of product quality claims made by competing brands.

All medicinal mushroom species are plagued by this. Most fiercely debated is red reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), the most popular of all medicinal mushrooms. So this article will primarily focus on that species, but it's generally applicable to all species of medicinal mushrooms.

First off, stay clear of cheap, mass-produced medicinal mushrooms. If they are just dried and pulverized, then the medicinal compounds are still inaccessible behind the mushrooms' cell-walls. You'll be wasting your money on inert matter.

Then there are the real therapeutic grade red reishi brands, which are produced with much more care. But even here there are big differences between brands. Each claims to be the best, of course, because they want to sell their product. So lets set the facts straight and be independently informed consumers.

There are primarily three ways to extract the medicinal compounds from red reishi. Each method pulls out different compounds, all of which have been proven by scientific research to be therapeutically important.

1. Water Extraction, Hot (polysaccharides and more)

2. Alcohol Extraction (triterpenoids, sterols)

3. Fermented (arabinoxylanes, etc.)

The water soluble compounds, primarily polysaccharides, are powerful anti-tumor agents, immune enhancers and strong antioxidants. [1]

The alcohol soluble compounds are mainly triterpenoids, a large group of related compounds. Scientific studies suggest they help stabilize cholesterol, blood pressure and clotting. Most importantly, they are the anti-inflammatory compounds so critical to many of reishi's suggested uses, including arthritis, allergies and asthma. [1]

Finally, by fermenting the red reishi, the original medicinal compounds break down to form new compounds with unique healing properties. These "secondary metabolites" have among other things been shown to be immune enhancing and help regulate blood sugar, as well as having unique anti-tumor properties. [2]

Since this article is not intended to elevate any one brand over another, no brand names will be mentioned. Nevertheless, the author does know of two highly reputed brands (American and Japanese) that claim only hot water extracted red reishi is of any value and that alcohol extracts are useless.

Of course they do that to promote their own brand. In reality both hot water extract and alcohol extract contain unique medicinal compounds that are all very important.

When looking for the best reishi extract, find one that uses at least the first two extraction methods in combination: Hot Water and Alcohol Extraction. Even better may be a brand that includes all three methods listed.

An additional point to keep in mind is the form the reishi comes in. Reishi that dissolves completely in a water-based liquid such as coffee probably only contains reishi from hot water extraction. As a substitute for regular coffee, this would be a superb health-choice. However, it will not contain the water-insoluble triterpenoids so valued for their anti-inflammatory properties.

On the other hand, alcohol tinctures can actually contain both water soluble polysaccharides and alcohol soluble triterpenoids. The way you know is that the polysaccharides will fall out of solution because of the alcohol, and will make the tincture cloudy. That's alright though; you just need to shake before you take. Capsules and tablets may be one or the other or both. The only way to know is ask the manufacturer or read their information.

[1] Boh B, Berovic M, Zhang J, Zhi-Bin L. "Ganoderma lucidum and its pharmaceutically active compounds." Biotechnol Annu Rev. 2007;13:265-301.

[2] Tang YJ, Zhang W, Zhong JJ. "Performance analyses of a pH-shift and DOT-shift integrated fed-batch fermentation process for the production of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharides by medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum." Bioresour Technol. 2009 Mar;100(5):1852-9. - 30287

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Best Way to Relieve Shoulder Pain Naturally

By Dr. Stephen Wander

The shoulders are designed to carry the arms with not a lot of support. There are tendons, muscle and cartilage holding the joint in a ball and socket arrangement. Unlike the hips and legs, the shoulder is easier moved in an all manner of different ways. This puts great stress on the joint which can cause shoulder pain.

The muscles which support the shoulder are fairly thin and stretched in comparison to other joints, therefore they can be more susceptible to tearing and causing a dislocation. This is the reason the shoulder is one of the most oft injured anotomical regions.

Look deeper into shoulder issues and patients may not even remember the incident which caused the pain. It could be a very timely trauma such as a car accident or sports injury. Sometimes it is poor positioning or repetitive microtrauma.

A chiropractor can assess and look for signs in mobility of the shoulder and arm to pinpoint the problem. Although the arms are used so many times per day, the shoulder can freeze or cause problems with just a slight mishap. A common problem is the rotator cuff, as this can cause huge pain and needs to be carefully addressed.

As the shoulders are in close relation to the neck, which in turn is part of the spinal column, shoulder pain may be a secondary problem of spinal alignment. Using one of our chiropractic methods, we can assess, align and maintain a common balance for your well being. If the vertebrae or alignment is out of kilter, then this can have the knock on effect which can cause neck and shoulder pains. Headaches are also common with patients who are out of alignment.

Many PCP's and physicians refer patients towards meds or surgery. Unless there is a tear, this invasive practice of surgery can further upset the balance. There are so many risks with surgery, which occasionally don't work and medication only masks the pain. Chiropractors use experience and special equipment to find the real cause of the problem and create a thorough plan to help the body get better.

At The Spinal Correction & Wellness Center, we have well trained massage therapists and chiropractors who can help not only with the symptoms but create a balance for the body. Correct spinal alignment can control a lot of problems ranging from joint pain, muscular pain and visceral problems. Our patients are advised on proper dietary needs and are given a path to wellness.

Shoulder pain is often overlooked and not treated. If left for extended periods of time, muscle or ligaments can tear and cause even bigger problems. Using medication to hide the pain, is only effective for a few hours before the next pill is needed. A chiropractor can assess the problem, help correct the alignment of a patient and massage the region back in to good health. Shoulder pain is sometimes a secondary effect of a different problem. It could turn out the neck or vertebrae are at fault but the symptom is felt more in the shoulder itself. It is important to find out what problem has been done and use a chiropractor to help fix it. - 30287

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Reactive Arthritis: What You Need to Know

By Kim Archer

Reactive arthritis is an autoimmune disease that develops as a response to an infection in some other part of the anatomy. Since its manifestation is set off by another infection, it is named "reactive". Most often, reactive arthritis takes place due to of the incidence of some type of infection like genital infections, gastrointestinal infections or bacterial infections. Even food poisoning has been known to bring about reactive arthritis. It's often difficult to establish the real reason, because the initial illness has generally been cured before the indications of reactive arthritis turn up.

Reactive arthritis is a problem that tends to occur to individuals who are in their 20s and 30s. It appears that males are more affected by the problem than females. Additionally, white males are more prone to develop reactive arthritis than black men, and this is because of dissimilar types of tissue. And finally, HIV-positive people have an increased likelihood of being affected by reactive arthritis.

This condition can have an effect on the spine, colon, joints, urinary tract, eyes, heart and mouth. A lot of the symptoms of this condition are not unlike other varieties of arthritis, especially psoriatic arthritis.

When a person develops reactive arthritis they will generally detect three separate signs. One of these is inflammation in the large joints, resulting in inflexibility and decreased range of motion. The next is inflammation of the eyes, or conjunctivitis, related to irritation and reddening of the eyes as well as blurred eyesight. The third indicator is called urethritis, which causes difficulty urinating. The person will encounter a burning sensation when urinating. Furthermore, they also tend to urinate more frequently. Further indications of the disease involve the appearance of a rash on the soles of the feet. The symptoms will generally remain for around three weeks to a month.

Treatment for this condition needs to be undertaken very carefully. Prior to going forward with any type of treatment, the physician will carry out tests, both in the doctor's office together with in a laboratory. The health care provider will take urine samples and stool cultures, and will test the blood of the patient. Performing an MRI is also advised.

Reactive arthritis treatment needs to aim at locating and getting rid of the condition in the regions that have been infected. Most effective route to treat the infections is through antibiotics. To treat inflamed joints the physician might suggest using steroids and pain killers. If the situation is unusually severe, the use of an immunosuppressant is advised. - 30287

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The Quest For The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia

By Shaun Marsh

The combination of alternative and conventional medicine is the most effective treatment for fibromyalgia available today. Medications, proper diet and relaxation techniques are just some of the components of this effective approach in order to reduce the presence of symptoms.

This solution sounds like it is so complicated but the disease does not have a single approach of treatment. It is then a necessity that the solution would be complex for a very complicated medical condition. This method approaches the problem in different angles so that the results would be promising and encouraging. However, the exact solution to the problem will be discovered when the nature of the disease process is understood.

This particular goal can only be reached through extensive studies and research. There are already many research facilities that are conducting studies to reach this goal. The approach would only depend on the severity of the disease and the frequency of the symptoms for each individual. Your physician will be the one who will recommend various regimens that are designed to fit your needs. Basically, it will involve a trial and error but they are effective in more ways than one.

The focus of the treatment process is to alleviate the symptoms and relief from the pain inflicted by the disorder. Naturally, your physician will follow through the regimen that would enable you to have the best quality of life possible. Along with the treatment regimen, you also have to enhance the quality of your sleep. You need to rest adequately because it can make the whole situation worst if you do not rest.

There are evidences of relationship between the condition and the estrogen levels and menopause in many studies. But, further studies need to be done to prove it. Therefore, it would be great if future studies would focus on this evidence so that we will understand why women are the ones more affected.

One form of an effective treatment would be to combine alternative methods like exercise, stress management, chiropractic procedures, physical therapy and acupuncture. Nevertheless, you need to bear in mind that the cure is yet to be found for this condition. - 30287

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Exercise For Fibromyalgia- Tips To Treat Fibromyalgia

By Shaun Marsh

Fibromyalgia is a type of illness with symptoms that range from very simple body fatigue or painful and constant aches and pains. Commonly called FM, this type of health problem is often difficult to diagnose since its symptoms vary from case to another and up until today, there are still no known solid causes of the problem.

But then, over the years, studies have shown that this type of chronic disorder is a type of problem in one's nervous system, specifically the sensory processing. Thus, signs such as stiffness, fatigue, or pain that patients often suffer made experts draw out a conclusion that having the right exercise for fibromyalgia can help the problem.

So how can proper exercise help fibromyalgia? People with fibromyalgia often set aside the thought of doing exercises because in the first place, the body is already in pain, so why make it worse? However, one should remember that the only way to keep the muscles healthy to avoid chronic pains and stiffness is to provide it with proper exercise. When the muscles are relaxed, the chance of experiencing painful stiffness is generally avoided.

Upon doing exercise for fibromyalgia, set your mind that this is not for weight loss but instead, for health improvement. So you need to start slow and set small goals. And as you go along, you can gradually increase your exercise and you may start making larger goals as well.

One of the most effective and common forms of exercises specifically helpful for FM patients is swimming. With swimming, you get to condition both your body and your heart at the same time. Plus, the gentle support you get from the water generally protects your body.

Tai chi and yoga are also ideal ways of exercising. Generally, there are lots of exercises you can consider that are ideal to lessen your fibromyalgia sufferings. Keep in mind that with proper exercise, you get to achieve a good night's sleep and at the same time, your stress levels are gradually reduced while boosting your energy levels. So if you are too tired with your fibromyalgia attacks, get moving and start exercising. - 30287

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Treatment For Fibromyalgia- Does It Exist?

By Shaun Marsh

The lack of understanding for the exact cause of fibromyalgia leads to the lack in the effective treatment that is present. There are many treatments that claim to cure the condition but many of them are ineffective and deceitful. They are manufactured to make you lose money in every sense of the word.

Patients are informed that there are no cures discovered yet for the disease. But, there is one good treatment process that is considered effective in more ways than one. The best approach that is being utilized today is the combination of traditional and conventional medicine.

Alleviation of symptoms through this approach is done through stress management, medications and exercise. This approach will lead to the improvement of the quality of life for patients. Moreover, patients should remain hopeful for new treatment in the future because of the studies done today.

The studies are present to improve our comprehension about the course of disease and understanding about its nature and the effects it has on the body. Pain can be alleviated by regular exercise. Typically, the sore muscles will develop more strength and flexibility therefore will become more tolerant to pain.

Acetaminophen, muscle relaxants and NSAID are just some of the medications that can help you with pain. In addition, sleep medications can be given but not for long periods of time. This is because the medication will lose its beneficial effect with time. Antidepressants are used to help patients with sleep disturbances and treat depression that is also part of the condition. Seizure medications are also approved for the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms. The medication can also significantly reduce your pain.

There are also alternative practices being used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and these are the massage therapy, acupuncture and chiropractic manipulation. Flare ups can also be avoided through the use of the mentioned alternative methods. - 30287

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Understanding The Treatment Fibromyalgia In Pregnancy

By Shaun Marsh

The cause of fibromyalgia is not yet known until today. The focus of most treatment processes are on alleviating the symptoms and improving the quality of life. The combination of conventional and alternative medicine is one of the most famous treatment regimens, which consists of prescription medicine, alternative medicine, and exercise and lifestyle modification.

But, it is also known that the approach is always trial and error. It means that the approach is tweaked in various ways to meet the needs of one patient. Moreover, the method is modified entirely for the benefit of a single patient. It is important that patients have to allow the medical personnel work as a team so that a plan can be devised properly for each patient.

Nevertheless, there is only limited information and background for the disease process, which make the entire treatment regimen limited. There are no studies done to prove that one single approach is working for most cases. No one has ever understood how the disease works particularly during pregnancy.

The lack of understanding about the disease process puts the fetus and the mother in danger. There has been conflict in the evidence of the process of disease and its effect to pregnancy. It is imperative therefore that further research is needed in order to discover the appropriate treatment as well as the course of disease on pregnancy.

It is important that researches are done so that no life will be sacrificed when time has come to deliver the unborn baby to the world. However, it is already known that pregnancy can aggravate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. But, this has to be taken further.

It is important that we know that that the most challenging phase in pregnancy is the third trimester since the symptoms tend to be increasing in frequency. This indicates that the progression of the disease is going. - 30287

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How To Alleviate Pain Through Fibromyalgia Treatments

By Shaun Marsh

We all know that fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder. The most common symptom is the widespread pain of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Easy fatigability and focal tenderness are also common features of the disease. This is the most common cause of excruciating pain when you are affected with fibromyalgia.

About two percent of the total population is affected with this disorder. It tends to occur more in women than in men and it increases with age. The disorder is inclined to occur after a physical or emotion trauma but some cases do not have any triggering factor.

It can sometimes be utterly frustrating to treat fibromyalgia and most of the times it can become complicated. More often than not, the results are inconsistent. Nonetheless, there is innovative form of treatment that is made possible by participating in research. The results of the researches may not show some encouragement but it could lead medicine to a path forward to a goal of discovering the treatment that work.

The excruciating pain is the focus of most treatment regimen. The treatment process involves enhancing the tolerance to pain as well as the multidisciplinary interventions. The success of treatment is not measured by the absence or presence of symptoms.

Success means the patient has already achieved tolerance to the presence of the symptoms. Living the quality of life is the most important indicator of treatment success. It is natural that sometimes the disorder does not respond to the treatment regimen. But, the fact is that the patients are not really that hard to treat.

There are also some significant changes in the symptoms of patients during the process. But, there are some who only get moderate response to treatment while others never experience relief. The treatment process will always have this kind of nature. - 30287

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Gout Crystals: How To Avoid Buildup

By Judith Allison

People with an overabundance of uric acid also known as gout suffer from symptoms such as pain in the joints, stiff and tight joints, and sometimes a lack of mobility in their joints. This medical condition arises when the body's levels of uric acid increase to unhealthy levels and gout crystals develop and harden around the joints.

This most commonly effects the joints in the big toe, but can also effect the finger joints, knee joints, elbow joints, and joints in the ankles. If this condition is note treated properly, it can result in loss of mobility of any joints that have been diagnosed as having gout crystals around them.

Managing uric acid levels in the body can be done in several ways. These acid levels increase in the body due to eating too many foods that are rich in purine such as meats, certain seafood, and sweetbreads. Certain high purine, high caffeine drinks can also cause uric gout flare-ups.

These include coffee, high caffeine sodas, and caffeinated teas. Often times if a person is in the early stages of gout, a change in the diet can can give relief from pain and stiffness of the joints in a very short time. Eliminating high purine foods and drinks from your diet and drinking plenty of water can help flush out uric acid from your system and the symptoms of gout will soon come to an end.

If eliminating these foods from your diet does not make your gout symptoms go away, you may need to take certain medications that are specifically intended to dissolve gout crystals. NSAIDs are mild and may provide some relief, but frequently stronger medications are necessary.

These more intense drugs, such as colchicine or probenecid, have a much higher success rate and often dissolve all the uric acid crystals, making your gout symptoms disappear. Taking these drugs is basically the same as putting poison into your body, however, and many people who take them experience terrible side effects like nausea and vomiting. If you have any of these side effects it is essential that you notify your physician immediately. Depending on how bad your side effects are, your doctor may decide to prescribe a different drug.

Some patients who are being treated for gout crystals around their joints find that exercise gives them tremendous relief. By moving and flexing the area of the body affected by gout, crystals can be broken up and will dissolve more easily. It is also very important to drink lots of fluids during exercise to help uric acids to leave the body when you perspire from working out. If you can exercise regularly it can be a more natural way to keep uric acids levels down and prevent a recurrence of gout flareups.

You should also find out if your family members have any history of gout. You are more likely to develop gout if one of your parents or grandparents suffered from it. Be proactive about your gout; control your diet and cut back on foods that have high amounts of purines. Drink large amounts of water as this will help your system flush out the uric acid. You should also begin a regular workout to help enhance your flexibility and prevent gout crystals from forming. - 30287

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Fibromyalgia Pain Relief- Treatment Focused on Symptoms

By Shaun Marsh

Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by the widespread distribution of pain all throughout the body and is chronic. Apart from the pain that the disorder is inflicting, FM will also inflict easy fatigability to the individual as well as sleep disturbances. It was originally thought to be of musculoskeletal origin because the pain occurs on most muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons.

Yet, there are researches that demonstrated the involvement of the central nervous system or the CNS to the progression of the disease. Because of the involvement of the CNS to the disease progression, the pain sensation is enhanced. The situation will only grow worst because of this.

One of the many issues that medical personnel are facing today is the fact that the disease is not really that easy to diagnose. Laboratory tests as well as x-rays cannot determine that it is actually the problem. The only way that the disease is diagnosed is through the location of multiple tender points all throughout the body.

The widespread pain that the patient will feel is the hallmark of the disease but the diagnosis must be after other medical condition has been ruled out. Many doctors are already assuming about the many causes of FM and the triggering factors as well. Sometimes, the significant lack of appropriate sleep can trigger the incidence of this disorder even though it has always been thought of as one of the symptoms.

Furthermore, the lack of sleep can lead to a vicious cycle wherein the patient will suffer more from sleep disturbances as well as triggering the flare up. The resulting situation would be the extreme lack of adequate rest for patients. However, before this could be finally answered, further research is needed.

Pain relief is the primary focus for most treatment involved in this disease. Today, pain medications prove to be effective against the symptoms of FM. Apart from the OTC and prescription pain relievers, narcolepsy drugs, antidepressants and anticonvulsants are also utilized to help alleviate the symptoms. They are used to alleviate not only the pain but also help in getting adequate rest, relief from anxiety and depression. - 30287

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