What Has Been Learned About the Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

By Brenlee Place

The causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are difficult to pinpoint. For one, there is no medical test today that will, without a doubt, diagnose CFS. Secondly, tests to confirm or deny a brain chemical link to CFS are cost-prohibitive to run on a mass scale. Thirdly, many of these symptoms appear alongside other illnesses, diseases and conditions, so they are not mutually exclusive to chronic fatigue. Since chronic fatigue syndrome does not appear to be fatal, research funding usually falls on the back burner, as cancer and heart disease take center stage. While researchers are still studying the root cause, there are many theories flying around.

The CDC has a few theories on the explanations for CFS. One is that severe or persistent infections including herpes virus 6 or Epstein-Barr can leave residual effects in the anatomy, such as low energy and aches. A four-city surveillance study was not able to track CFS back to one specific human pathogen, although it is thought that infectious agents may play a part in creating recurring fatigue.

New research indicates that patients contaminated with Ross River virus, Coxiella burnetti and Epstein-Barr virus will pick up a post-infective illness that matches the chronic fatigue syndrome indicators in 12% of situations.

Immunologic dysfunction may be another one of the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome, according to CDC research. There are no particular immune disorders associated exclusively with CFS, but patients sometimes show the presence of self-attacking antibodies similar to that of autoimmune diseases, but without all the tissue damage. Some studies indicate lower levels of natural killer cells and decreased cell activity. Many patients produce inappropriate amounts of cytokines, such as interleukin-1, which affects bone joint degeneration, controls lymphocyte activity and induces a fever. One hypothesis is that chronic infections may lead to increased expression of cytokines and may then eventually lead to CFS.

Finding treatment is often as difficult as finding the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some patients feel better with some lifestyle modifications. They try to eat better, start a regular exercise schedule, steer clear of known stressors and change their sleep habits. Counseling often helps patients find a more positive outlook and identify ways to change their situation. Others try medications for pain relief, depression, anxiety, blood pressure regulation or allergies. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, meditation, massage and movement therapy have been treatments recommended by CFS and fibromyalgia doctors as well. - 30287

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Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain

By David Nettles

Whether you are on prescribed drugs or not, it's good to understand the many natural remedies for arthritis that are available today. And for those fearful of going the 'alternative' rest assured that quite a few of the natural remedies for arthritis can be found without even leaving your house.

For many people a stroll into their kitchens will open up a veritable medicine bag of goodies that can help to both manage their arthritis and take remedial action.

In fact you could already using some of the recommended natural products, but do not even know it.

When you have more understanding of what's in nature's own medicine chest, you can focus more on the natural remedies, working them into your daily eating and schedule consciously.

Begin with the three remedies shown below. one or more are probably already sitting in your cupboard waiting to help.


Ginger is a fabulous food and it tastes so good. It boasts a proteolytic enzyme called zingibain, which research shows that is has good anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger is very easy to take. You can put some in hot water to make tea, take it from a tincture, or my favorite is to mix it in with my food -- it's flavorsome! It is so versatile and is highly recommended as one of the easiest natural remedies for arthritis to take.


For centuries garlic has been sought-after for its healing and nutritive properties, not to mention taste! It's widely acknowledged for its circulation boosting effects. This is particularly good for arthritis sufferers.

Improving your circulation will bring oxygen to where it's most needed, your arthritic joints. Now you have a great reason to load your food with this tasty bulb.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne is also known as red pepper or hot pepper. You can mix cayenne in with your food or mix it in with an ointment and spread this on your painful areas.

Remember however, that cayenne can be quite hot so go easy on it to start until you find your body's natural tolerance level.

Want to Know More? Here's More FREE Information - 30287

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How To Conquer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Fibromyalgia

By Anju Mathur, MD

People who were happy, healthy and vital experience chronic symptoms that put an end to their activity. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome seems to take all your energy away and it often lasts for years.

The symptoms include similar symptoms to flu, fatigue that doesn't get better with sleep and actually gets worse with physical or mental activity. The symptoms may appear and then disappear and there seems to be no pattern. Whereas people recover from flu and it goes away in days or weeks, CFS just seems to go on and on.

According to Center for Disease Control (CDC) between one and four million Americans suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). They are seriously impaired, at least a quarter are unemployed or on disability because of CFS. Forty percent of people in the general population who report symptoms of CFS have a serious, treatable, previously unrecognized medical condition.

Chronic fatigue syndrome may precipitate after an infection, such as a cold or viral illness or after a time of great stress. It can also come on gradually without a clear starting point or obvious cause. Women are diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome far more often than men are.

Conventional medicine favors the idea that it's "all in your head." This leads to no remedy at all as the patient is sent to psychologists who prescribe harmful drugs. Sometimes a physical therapist or sleep therapist or dietitian get involved. But mainly medicos tell the patient to learn to live with it.

However, there are ways to handle this disease that can actually bring about results. You don't have to learn to live with it. The pain, fatigue and depression are not all in your head. They have an underlying cause and a medical doctor trained in this discipline can help you identify and treat CFS. Your condition can be reversed and your energy and vitality restored.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia or CFS, your diet can make your condition worse or better. Eating a lot of refined carbohydrates will make the condition worse, whereas eating slow-burning carbs (rich in fiber) will provide your body with more energy. If you consume a lot of saturated fats and refined vegetable oils, the pain will worsen. If you consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids (like fish and flaxseed oil) your pain will lessen. Diet is very important.

Get an evaluation from a doctor for food allergies. These are often overlooked but are a frequent cause of fatigue and pain.

Depression can accompany CFS and figromyalgia. Low levels of a neuro-transmitter, serotonin if often a cause, because this substance in the brain regulates sleep and contributes to the persons mood. Lack of it increases pain. There are supplements that can be prescribed to alleviate pain, regulate mood and ward off depression - such as St. John's wort, SAMe, natural replacement seratonin and 5-HTP. Whereas Prozac and other prescription drugs merely mask symptoms and come with dangerous side effects, natural remedies do not. Many happier patients will attest to this fact. - 30287

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Why Eat a Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet?

By David Nettles

Do you have rheumatoid arthritis? Do you know there is a direct link between the foods you eat and how severe your symptoms are? A rheumatoid arthritis diet can help you feel better!

You may be on 'orthodox' prescription drug to alleviate and manage your arthritis but there's still so much more that you can do to help your body.

Make Note of What Triggers Your Arthritis Pain

First thing you really should do is keep a record of foods that appear to trigger your symptoms. These problem foods will differ from person to person, which is why a log or diary is useful to track down the ones that effect you. Once you have your log, you can then remove these foods from your meals, avoiding needless arthritis pain.

Next up: some foods that really should be part of a healthy diet for rheumatoid arthritis.

Good Foods for Arthritis Symptoms

As with any condition, the 'take in plenty of fluid' rule applies here. Don't forget to keep your liquid levels up, like water (best), soups, unsweetened juices and herbal or green teas. We often don't even know that we are dehydrated, but wonder why we are feeling below par. Here's a tip; if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Get into the practice of drinking whether you're thirsty or not.

Most fruit and vegetables are full of healthy anti oxidants which have a great healing effect, but there are a few to be wary of. Just keep away from the food items identified to worsen arthritic symptoms, and focus on the good foods like apples and avocados. By the way, don't peel your apples as the skin contains five times more anti oxidants than the rest. And finally, dark green leafy vegetables are best.

What's in Your Kitchen?

You want to add to your rheumatoid arthritis diet food items that have an anti-inflammatory effect. This will reduce the puffiness in your joints and decrease your pain. Two of the best anti-inflammatory foods are in all probability already in your kitchen cabinet. They are:

Garlic: Eat more of this pungent bulb, as it's full of anti-inflammatories. Eat it raw if you can, as cooking destroys some of the effects. If you really detest the taste, take garlic supplements.

Ginger: Add ginger to your meals or infuse it in a liquid to make a fragrant tea. Ginger is a little on the spicy side, and adds a warming effect to foods.

Foods to Watch Out For

Now how about the foods to keep away from (or eat less of)? Some foods linked to flare-ups include:

Fruit and Vegetables: You may wish to pass up citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits), and also tomatoes. These foods are very acidic, which appears to cause more numerous flare-ups.

Meat: The meats to eat less of are beef, pork, bacon and lamb. Essentially, keep away from meats with saturated fats. If you can't do without the special steak or chop, be sure to trim away any visible fat before eating.

Something to keep in mind; various people may have different reactions to foods. This is why your own list of foods to eliminate from your rheumatoid arthritis diet will be valuable.

Treat Arthritis Naturally -- FREE Information - 30287

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Improving Joint Strength Results in Six Pack Abs

By Dante Solaris

In these times of gourmet ice cream, gourmet coffee and uh, 'gourmet fast-food', it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay fit and lean. Unless you're a native of Miami Beach, it seems like six pack abs are becoming rare- a common sight only on Baywatch reruns and movies depicting warriors of ancient Greece.

The strong demand for weight-loss products like diet pills, exercise machines and ab gadgets shows that a large portion of society wants to get lean and sport six pack abs. The high percentage of North Americans that are overweight also shows that people are misinformed about effective methods on losing body fat.

Most people, for example, do sit-ups and crunches session after session while leaving-out the lumber and oblique muscles. The imbalance of strength can actually result in back pain and injury because the spinal column is strained. Working-out improperly brings slow results which lead to frustration and quitting.

As any weight-loss expert will tell you, getting rid of unsightly belly flab naturally without the use of scalpels requires burning-off the vast amounts of calories we get from the food we eat. Getting lean enough to get a tight, well-defined stomach takes tons of hard work and discipline, but not really impossible for those that really want it.

Since most of the food modern urbanites dine on have a high caloric content, relying on office work or doing house chores to burn-off excess calories will definitely result in a flabby gut. The only way to make sure we're losing fat is by using-up more calories than we're eating and that is through daily intense physical activity.

Total body exercises which engages several muscle groups in activity are the best for rapid calorie-burn, fat-loss and formation of six pack abs. Cardio and anaerobic strength training both play an important role in building strength and forming six pack abs because they do wonders in raising our basal metabolic rate. Our BMR is responsible for 75% of calories our bodies use-up each day.

The development of muscle that results from regular exercise enforces the joints in our body by strengthening the tissues around them. The constant activity also leads to the production of natural lubricants that prevent friction and cartilage damage.

There is a definite correlation between high obesity cases and osteoarthritis in the U.S. Maintaining a regular exercise regimen will be the proverbial stone that can help solve both of those problems while paving the way to an attractive, well-defined midsection. - 30287

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Develop Joint-Strength For Six Pack Abs

By Dante Solaris

In these times of gourmet ice cream, gourmet coffee and uh, 'gourmet fast-food', it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay fit and lean. Unless you're a native of Miami Beach, it seems like six pack abs are becoming rare- a common sight only on Baywatch reruns and movies depicting warriors of ancient Greece.

The strong demand for weight-loss products like diet pills, exercise machines and ab gadgets shows that a large portion of society wants to get lean and sport six pack abs. The high percentage of North Americans that are overweight also shows that people are misinformed about effective methods on losing body fat.

Contrary to the perception of the general public, the path to six pack abs doesn't rely on countless sit-ups and crunches. In fact, focusing too much on the abdominal muscles can even lead to strain on the lower back. Expensive, gimmicky gadgetry featured on fitness infomercials aren't the answer either. Diet shakes and low-fat food? Forget it! Studies prove that we tend to eat 75% more when we're eating diet food.

As experts have long figured-out, the key to getting a sculpted midsection is losing enough body fat by creating a daily calorie deficit. This means making it a point to burn more calories than our bodies take in each day to achieve a body fat index of at least 10% for men and 15% for women.

Because most of the culinary delights we partake of each day are loaded with trans-fats and processed sugars, it's quite impossible for us to lose fat by going about our daily routines without exercising. The vast amounts of surplus calories we get from the jelly donuts and cheezy fries can only be off-set by an effective exercise regimen every day.

Total body exercises which engages several muscle groups in activity are the best for rapid calorie-burn, fat-loss and formation of six pack abs. Cardio and anaerobic strength training both play an important role in building strength and forming six pack abs because they do wonders in raising our basal metabolic rate. Our BMR is responsible for 75% of calories our bodies use-up each day.

Working-out consistently also strengthens and develops muscle tissue and in turn reinforces the joints of the body- making them last longer as we grow old. Strong connective tissue around our joints prevents injury which can keep us from being consistent with our exercise regimen and prolonging the process to a chiseled abdomen.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. It is mostly caused by too much joint-stress brought about by excess weight. Working-out consistently will not only prevent this by lightening the load on our joints, we also get an awesome set of shredded abs in the process!

Watch this super-informative video on joint strength and effective weightloss exercise. joint strength

- 30287

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Heated Slippers | Microwavable Slippers Heated Foot Warmer For Chronic Cold Feet

By Barbera Wellbout

Have you heard of heated slippers? If so, you understand that they offer added warmth thanks to a small bead pack placed within each one. However, did you know that in today's world they offer aromatherapy benefits? It's true, and we want to share some of this with you today.

When you grab a pair of heated slippers you are able to choose the type of herbal heat pack your microwavable slippers will be using. In fact, you can even choose more than one herbal pack. The best part is they can be heated over and over again, giving you longevity of use.

Enjoying this extra heat is very beneficial, but it's the aromatherapy properties that give these heated slippers a big A+. The scent in the air is something wonderful, but in all actuality it can help you deal with health issues like pain, circulation complications, and even anxiety.

One of the most important things you can do is figure out which herbs are appropriate for your health needs. For instance; if you're dealing with aching muscles, headaches, or even challenging health conditions like fibromyalgia, it would be wise to choose something like white willow, peppermint, rosemary, lemon grass, or lavender.

Anxiety is a hot topic today, and if you're dealing with this sort of issue it's important to utilize herbal packs containing chamomile, passion flower, valerian root, cinnamon, and or spearmint. Circulation issues should be helped with yellow dock root and yarrow.

You should also understand that these are easy to use. All you do is pick an herbal bead pack that is geared for your ailments, grab the microwavable slippers, put them in the microwave for about 2 minutes, and then stick them on your feet.

However, we would suggest that if your microwave doesn't contain a turntable, you should stop it halfway and flip the herbal pack over. This way when it's finished both sides will be heated evenly. Then the only thing left to do is place the herbal packs in the heated slippers and onto your feet. In moments you will realize the warmth and aromatic sensations building around you.

conditions, that several individuals just like you will benefit from using heated slippers.

Our favorite is seeing individuals who suffer from insomnia come back to tell us it was the best purchase they ever made. We can't imagine going years without A good night's sleep. The good news is with heated slippers you can help this issue as well as many others just by the touch of microwavable slippers. They will offer warmth, better circulation, and basically enhance each one of your senses. - 30287

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Natural Pain Management for Arthritis

By Kim Archer

If you've been experiencing pain in your joints lately, this could very well be a sign of arthritis. And, if you've already been diagnosed with this condition, you'll probably want to know more about arthritis pain relief so that you can continue to live a normal life without too many interruptions.

Depending on the severity of your joint soreness, you may have to take special medications and painkillers in order to reduce swelling and make it easier to move around during the day. If you are on prescription medications, you should make sure that you are taking the medicines as instructed, and that you are taking your prescriptions with food if need be, so that you will not develop an upset stomach. For natural pain management, you may also want to add supplements like fish oil or flaxseed oil to your diet to help with inflammation.

Eating healthier will help you to lose some weight, which will greatly reduce arthritis pain as well. Many doctors recommend weight loss before prescribing medications to treat joint pain, so make sure that you're consuming a healthy amount of fresh fruits and vegetables so that your blood circulation will increase. Weight loss will also take away the additional fat tissue from around your bones, which will reduce the pressure that you feel around the place where your bones meet.

You can also practice pain management by developing a specific exercise regimen with your doctor. One of the keys to keeping your joints and bones from hurting is to make sure that there is regular circulation of blood throughout your body. So, lots of cardiovascular exercises are ideal; try walking after dinner for about twenty minutes or so, or walking on the treadmill or elliptical machine in order to keep the blood flowing and increase the functions of the heart and lungs. A regimen that includes swimming or water aerobics can also be quite therapeutic. Working out will also help you to maintain your weight, and even lose a couple of pounds. Not having extra weight on your bones will definitely help to decrease any joint pain that you feel, and will keep new health problems from forming.

If you want to be able to keep up with new medications and treatments that are coming out on the market, you can check out www.arthritis.org, or visit www.webmd.com. - 30287

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The Way To End Gout Naturally

By Teri Picci

The reason for Gout is an overabundance of uric acid in the blood stream creating hard crystals within the joints. It is a problem that affects guys more than women and thus The Method To End Gout The Simple Way is in their best interest.

Gout is a variety of arthritis that is identified by abrupt burning soreness, stiffness and swelling within a joint, frequently the large toe. The disorder is shown by exaggerated levels of uric acid in the bloodstream, brought about by the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals that are deposited in the joints. It is usual for a little uric acid to exist inside the blood stream since the body is constantly breaking down cells and creating different ones. The probability of gout is greater if the person is chunky, drinks alcoholic beverages or consumes food high in purines constantly. Known foods such as fish or red meats may be high in purines and are the beginning of uric acid. Purines are the colorless crystals that metabolize into uric acid, and as soon as the kidneys are not able to get rid of a sufficient amount within the urine, the uric acid level becomes exceptionally elevated.

Attacks of gout happen with no forewarning, frequently at night, along with serious pain in one or more joints. The joint becomes inflamed and the skin reddens and becomes exceedingly painful upon contact. The disease most frequently affects the joint at the base of the large toe, and in addition it may also more often than not happen in the instep, ankle, knee, wrist and elbow. The initial attacks customarily affect just one joint and may persist for a few days or several weeks before it is solved. As the crystals dissipate from the joint area, the soreness and distress will decline typically over a two week interval. Some people might stay free from a new sudden outbreak for several months or years while many others may not experience a new attack for the remainder of their lives.

But, if the gout attack is not ministered to and the condition advances, the affected joint may be permanently damaged. Acute, chronic gout will cause the joint to become brittle and have inadequate mobility. The Way To End Gout Naturally is specifically crucial for those people in misery from the chronic stage of this disease and encountering the persistently painful joints, swelling and soreness that is customary with gout.

Gout is frequently diagnosed on its characteristics and joint assessment. An elevated uric acid level in the blood will reinforce the diagnosis along with the need to remove fluid in the joint affected. This fluid is delivered to the laboratory and viewed under a polarized microscope. With early diagnosis and therapy and long term nutritional changes in lifestyle habits, several individuals will not reach the chronic stage. The changes that are essential in The Method To End Gout The Simple Way and to assure that the chronic stage is not reached are insignificant in comparison to the distress put up with by these chronic gout characteristics.

The initial step is to alleviate the soreness and to prevent the acute redness and swelling. At times the same needle utilized to draw out fluid will be used to insert medicine to effectually bring to an end the redness and swelling brought about by urate crystals. The next step is to stop additional attacks. This means maintaining sufficient fluid intake, weight reduction, nutritional changes and reducing alcohol consumption. Long term management and prevention is critical for the well-being of the person and in How To End Gout Pain.

- 30287

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The Best Way Of Stopping Gout

By Teri Picci

The reason for gout is an excess of uric acid in the blood stream creating hard crystals within the joints. It is a scenario that affects guys more than women and thus The Best Way of Stopping Gout is in their best interest.

Gout is a variety of arthritis that is identified by unexpected burning soreness, stiffness and swelling inside a joint, generally the large toe. The condition is depicted by increased levels of uric acid in the bloodstream, brought about by the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals that are deposited in the joints. It is common for a little uric acid to exist within the blood stream since the body is constantly breaking down cells and developing additional ones. The possibility of gout is elevated if the person is heavy, drinks alcoholic beverages or consumes food high in purines. Known foods such as fish or red meats may be high in purines and are forerunners of uric acid. Purines are the colorless crystals that metabolize into uric acid, and once the kidneys are not able to expel a sufficient amount within the urine, the uric acid level becomes exceptionally elevated.

Attacks of gout take place with no forewarning, generally at night, along with excruciating pain in one or more joints. The joint becomes inflamed and the skin reddens and becomes very painful upon contact. The condition most frequently affects the joint at the base of the large toe, and in addition it may also more often than not take place in the instep, ankle, knee, wrist and elbow. The beginning attacks typically affect just one joint and may continue a few days or several weeks before it is cleared up. As the crystals dissipate from the joint area, the ache and distress will abate as a rule over a two week interval. Some people can continue to be free from an additional sudden outbreak for several months or years while many others may not experience an additional attack for the remainder of their lives.

But, if the gout attack is not ministered to and the condition builds up, the affected joint may be permanently damaged. Acute, chronic gout will cause the joint to become brittle and have inadequate mobility. The Best Way of Stopping Gout is very important for those people in misery from the chronic stage of this scenario, and those encountering the persistently painful joints, swelling and soreness that is familiar with gout.

Gout is generally diagnosed on its signs of illness and joint evaluation. An elevated uric acid level in the blood will uphold the diagnosis along with procedures to remove fluid in the joint affected. This fluid is directed to the laboratory and viewed under a polarized microscope. With early diagnosis and therapy and long term nutritional changes in lifestyle habits, several individuals will not reach the chronic stage. The changes that are necessary in Stopping Gout forever and to assure that the chronic stage is not reached are small in comparison to the distress experienced by these chronic gout signs of illness.

The primary step is to alleviate the soreness and to end the acute redness and swelling. At times the same needle utilized to draw out fluid will be used to insert medicine to easily end the redness and swelling brought about by urate crystals. The next step is to eliminate additional attacks. This means maintaining sufficient fluid intake, weight reduction, nutritional changes and reducing alcohol consumption. Long term management and prevention is very important for the well-being of the person and in Stopping Gout forever. - 30287

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How To End Gout Pain

By Teri Picci

The reason for Gout is an excess of uric acid in the blood stream creating hard crystals within the joints. It is a disease that affects guys more than women and thus The Way To End Gout Naturally is in their best interest.

Gout is a kind of arthritis that is identified by abrupt burning soreness, stiffness and swelling within a joint, frequently the large toe. The disorder is shown by exaggerated levels of uric acid in the bloodstream, brought about by the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals that are deposited in the joints. It is typical for a little uric acid to exist inside the blood stream for the reason that the body is frequently breaking down cells and creating different ones. The probability of gout is greater if the person is obese, drinks alcoholic beverages or consumes food high in purines constantly. Known foods such as fish or red meats may be high in purines and are the beginning of uric acid. Purines are the colorless crystals that metabolize into uric acid, and as soon as the kidneys are not able to get rid of as much as necessary within the urine, the uric acid level becomes uncommonly elevated.

Attacks of gout take place with no forewarning, generally at night, along with excruciating pain in one or more joints. The joint becomes inflamed and the skin reddens and becomes very painful upon contact. The condition most frequently affects the joint at the base of the large toe, and in addition it may also more often than not take place in the instep, ankle, knee, wrist and elbow. The beginning attacks typically affect just one joint and may continue a few days or several weeks before it is cleared up. As the crystals dissipate from the joint area, the ache and distress will abate as a rule over a two week interval. Some people can continue to be free from an additional sudden outbreak for several months or years while many others may not experience an additional attack for the remainder of their lives.

But, if the gout attack is not cared for and the disease builds up, the affected joint may be permanently damaged. Serious, chronic gout will cause the joint to become rigid and have restricted mobility. How To End Gout Pain is particularly important for those people in distress from the chronic stage of this scenario and feeling the persistently painful joints, swelling and inflammation that is familiar with gout.

Gout is frequently diagnosed on its characteristics and joint assessment. An elevated uric acid level in the blood will reinforce the diagnosis along with the need to take out fluid in the joint affected. This fluid is delivered to the laboratory and viewed under a polarized microscope. With early diagnosis and therapy and long term nutritional changes in lifestyle habits, several individuals will not reach the chronic stage. The changes that are essential in The Way To End Gout Naturally and to make certain that the chronic stage is not reached are insignificant in comparison to the agony put up with by these chronic gout characteristics.

The initial step is to alleviate the soreness and to prevent the acute redness and swelling. At times the same needle utilized to draw out fluid will be used to insert medicine to effectually bring to an end the redness and swelling brought about by urate crystals. The next step is to stop additional attacks. This means maintaining sufficient fluid intake, weight reduction, nutritional changes and reducing alcohol consumption. Long term management and prevention is critical for the well-being of the person and in How To End Gout Pain. - 30287

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Home Remedies Using 3 Natural Home ingredients

By Richard Ealom

Home cures are wide-ranging and quite ordinary. Countless home treatments are available for your use and trial and producing a full list could take you weeks. The three treatments offered in this article will introduce you to some ordinary treatments for ordinary problems.

(1) Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar isn't simply useful as a component in dishes such as marinades and salad dressings, it has long been used as a cure-all for a variety of conditions. This remedy is also something you can produce at home from simple ingredients.

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses:

(1) Decreased Acid Reflux (2) Control of Allergies and their Symptoms (3) Decreased Sinus Infections (4) Increased Energy and decreased weariness (5) Treatment of sore throats (6) soothing of sunburns and insect bites (7) Application to the hair to make it shiny (8) Dandruff treatments

ACV has loads of beneficial ingredients that contribute to its effectiveness. These consist of potassium, pectin, malic acid, calcium, and acetic acid. Potassium is valuable in the prevention of hair loss, brittle teeth, and recurring nasal drips. Pectin is used by the body to help regulate high blood pressure. Malic acid is beneficial as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Calcium helps to develop stronger bones and teeth and reduces bone brittleness. Acetic acid may slow the absorption of starches which reduces the body's reaction to manufacture glucose.

A lot of recipes are offered online if you want to prepare your own ACV. The process isn't complicated, and is not overly time consuming. However if you wish, you can purchase your apple cider vinegar from most grocery stores. Always decide on the most organic and unrefined options as these have retained as much of their desirable properties as feasible.

(2) Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide Uses (H2O2):

Hydrogen peroxide is not only beneficial in cleaning and flushing of wounds, it can also be used as a mouthwash, teeth whitener, ear cleanser, and may even be useful in treating the cold.

Hydrogen peroxide is routinely used as a mouthwash, it cleans the mouth much like it cleans wounds. The added benefit is Hydrogen peroxide's whitening affects. These properties can also help in gradually whitening your teeth and are less destructive than harsh store purchased teeth whitening systems.

For ear cleansing, hydrogen peroxide can be used on a cotton swab for external cleaning or used as a flush with an ear syringe to clean out surplus ear wax from the canal. To clean the ears on the outside, just dab a cotton swab into the H2O2 and then cleanse the crevices of the ear. It is not recommended to put the cotton swab inside the ear canal, as you can harm your ear drum. For internal cleaning of the canal, use an ear syringe filled with the hydrogen peroxide and spurt it into the ear canal, then let it drain out. The H2O2 will soften the built-up ear wax and allow it to drain out of the canal.

Cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide does not only diminish ear wax build-up, it is also a valuable treatment for the cold. Simple applications of 2 to 3 drops of H2O2 into the ear canal at multiple times per day dramatically reduces the time considered necessary to heal from cold and flu symptoms. Each application of the H2O2 kills the cold or flu virus on contact. You may simply need to apply it into one of your ears, but if both are infected, you can apply the treatment to both ears.

(3) Baking Soda

Baking Soda Uses:

Baking soda has tons of uses in baking and food preparation, but it is also helpful in treating common ailments and is a highly effective cleaning agent - and it doesn't produce those noxious fumes like those store bought cleaners do.

Cleaning Properties of Baking Soda:

Create a paste with baking soda and a little h2o to use as a scour for sinks, bathtubs and showers, stove tops and ovens, and any where else in your home where you require a slight abrasive product to eradicate grime and build-up.

Dust baking soda into your drains to freshen up and eliminate disgusting smells.

Employ baking soda as a toothpaste to whiten teeth and take off plaque build-up.

Baking soda can also be used as an effective facial scrub.

Baking Soda Uses For Common Problems

(A) Put 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of h2o and mix. Drink this mixture for an enormously quick acting and effective treatment for heartburn and upset stomach.

(B) Shake baking soda into a bowl of water and dissolve. Drench a rag with this mix and apply to the skin to treat minor burns, sunburns, and other skin irritations like razor burn, itching, and poison ivy rashes.

(C) Sprinkle baking soda on your feet prior to putting on socks to treat and avert recurring athlete's foot.

These 3 home remedies aren't the best three for no reason. The uses offered here in this expose are only a few of the various uses for these 3 products. However if you are working on building up your collection of uncomplicated home remedies to treat yourself and your relatives, these 3 are the best places to commence. All 3 of these products are low-cost, easy to find, and have countless uses. From simply cleaning the house to treating problems, these home treatments will serve you nicely.

Home remedies are as wide-ranging as they are ordinary. Loads of home remedies are offered for your use and testing and building an exhaustive listing could take you weeks. The 3 remedies presented in this article has introduced you to some ordinary cures for very ordinary problems. - 30287

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Yeast Infections- Natural Home Cures

By Richard Ealom

Yeast infections are repeatedly found under the breast, in the vagina, under the skin folds, and even at the lower abdomen area. But you do not have to be upset about the irritations due to this infection. Additionally, spending a bundle of cash on MDS or pills is not a must. Trouble-free homespun cures for a yeast infection have been proven to supply cheap and nontoxic cures for this problem.

It is essential to remember that the best treatment is to keep your body clean and always keep the infected area dry no matter what household cures for a yeast infection that you are employing. In order to keep the infected area dry and clean, you can use talcum powder on the area.

White vinegar is one of the home-based remedies for a yeast infection that you can utilize. It has been proven to be an especially effective treatment for yeast infections. Moreover, the dreadful repulsive stench caused by yeast at the infected areas can be removed by it. It will aid to relieve the burning feeling due to the yeast. All you have to do is to wipe the vinegar on the infected parts or douching it with vinegar.

You can utilize apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. This is commonly used as a good first aid when the infection is diagnosed. This method will not produce any side effects and do not discolor the body tissues. Hence, it is one of the chosen household treatments for a yeast infection.

There are several other alternatives which can be consumed inside the body as well those which are used outwardly. One such substitute is pure yogurt and it is a highly suggested treatment. Always use sugar free plain yogurt without any flavors.

As it has good antiseptic properties, you can simply eat the yogurt. You can also use it on the exterior to be applied on affected areas. However, do not let it come in contact with the skin for protracted periods of time as this might generate some side effects because of the moisture it contains. Following 10-15 minutes of application, it should be washed off.

A significant enemy of fungus and yeast is garlic. A a small quantity of cloves of fresh garlic can be ground or smashed and the paste rubbed on the infected area. The appalling odor due to the yeast can even be stopped by it. But, you will have to suffer the odor of the garlic in its place, which most of us hates. This is also considered one of the good home-produced treatments for a yeast infection since garlic has very good antibiotic plus antiseptic properties.

Drinking lots of water is the easiest of all these home-based cures. You need to drink at least 4-5 glasses of fresh h2o daily. Additionally cleanse the infected parts with h2o. Water is an excellent cleansing agent, both inside your body as well as externally. Filtered water or mineral water is best.

A number of herbs can be used for yeast infections. One instance is Oregano herb. This well known herb can be used for yeast infection treatments.

These readily obtainable natural household treatments for a yeast infection are absolutely not dangerous and very reliable. You do not have to spend a lot of cash for them. As these home-grown treatments do not have side effects, they are completely trustworthy to employ. - 30287

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Treating Painful Osteoarthritis: What You Can Do

By Kim Archer

Entering into a partnership with your physician is the best way to go about getting effective osteoarthritis treatment. After diagnosing your condition, the health care provider will suggest suitable alternatives to make certain that the treatment plan suits your personal preferences and offers correct relief according to medical assessment. To arrive at and establish the kind of treatment that best suits your osteoarthritis problems, your medical history relating to cardiac diseases, hypertension, renal problems, or peptic ulcers plays a noteworthy role.

Using pain relievers and taking physiotherapy are the most usual forms of treatment for osteoarthritis pain. Exercise and diet control can also help. A health care provider's view must be given before you undergo physiotherapy in order to maximize the probability for success. Speak to a physiotherapist to learn about particular devices and appliances to manage your problem so that you can treat yourself at home in addition to at work. Making use of a cane or crutches while walking or using rails in your bathroom can also help.

Weight control is another way to help control the pain. The weight on the knees and hips of an obese person is often too much for the joints to handle, and it's known that the risk of developing this disease can be increased by being overweight. Actually, women who are obese have a greater chance of forming arthritis of the hip, so lowering weight is an efficient treatment approach.

You can take up regular physical activities in order to treat your osteoarthritis, in consultation with a doctor. Swimming, walking and aerobics can help slow down the progression of this condition.

Home remedies have been found to relieve the swelling and pain greatly in patients experiencing osteoarthritis. An electric heating pad, hot water bottle or ointments can work quite well to relieve your symptoms. Traditional remedies such as mud baths and copper bracelets are other treatments used by many. Intake of certain herbs is yet another way to combat arthritis.

As mentioned, a primary cause for the onset of osteoarthritis is obesity; switching to a special osteoarthritis diet is one means of treatment. That the right diet can and will help you stay in tip-top shape is commonly known. Also, it works to prevent other illnesses. - 30287

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Published Studies States That Medical Alternative Therapies Helps with MS

By Dr. Julian Reindhurst

People with multiple sclerosis suffer muscle spasms, pain and tremor. Studies find that medical marijuana may be helpful, but controlled studies are few.

An recent meeting, had fifty one people who suffer from multiple sclerosis and had them smoke 0% or 4% THC medical marijuana cigarettes daily for three days.

Participants noticed a reduction of 32% and pain ratings by 50% after smoking medical marijuana, compared with only a 2% and 22% reductions after fake cigarettes.

Five members withdrew, saying they felt too high, dizzy or fatigued.

Other studies in patients with multiple sclerosis used a cannabis extract that can be taken orally. In a 2007 European Journal of Neurology study, nearly half of'4 patients experienced at least 30% improvement in muscle spasms.

There was a contradiction in a 2004 Neurology paper that showed no reduction in objective measures of arm tremor with cannabis extract even after 5 subjects out of- stated that they felt improvement.

These reports could have been from the mood altering effects of the drug or from some aspect of tremor not measured.

The participants mentioned feeling buzzed, yet the effects varied among individuals. Medical marijuana also affected thinking, shown as problems with tasks of memory and complicated reasoning after the strongest medical marijuana cigarettes were used.

As adverse of a side effect as this could be, the effects were tolerated by subjects; no one opted out of the study because they couldn't focus.

it's important to have a choice of treatments because not everyone responds to or can handle the available medications and drugs.

Antidepressants are used for neuropathic pain but cause dry mouth, constipation and urinary problems, and must be avoided by people with conditions such as glaucoma.

Some patients are allergic to aspirin-like drugs. Having an "plan B" compound is always a good idea. The three pain studies all concluded that smoked marijuana can bring relief to sufferers of neuropathic pain comparable to other analgesic drugs.

As with all other pain medicines, you have to keep taking it. - 30287

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Arthritis Low Impact Exercise - Regular Exercise Can Help Retain Mobility

By Lizzie S Joyner

When someone first realizes they have arthritis exercise could be the farthest thing from their mind. They have felt the discomfort from the deteriorative illness and after reading extensively about it may believe that exercising may cause extra pain. most doctors counsel that those with arthritis exercise frequently to help scale back the has effects on it can have on the joints.

One of the first things doctors tell their chunky patients with arthritis exercise can help them lose excess poundage, taking some of the load off the affected joints. Regular, moderate exercise can help maintain mobility, reduce rigidity and increase adaptability and staying power. The operative word is moderate as high-impact exercises like running and jumping may increase the discomfort from the bones in the influenced joints rubbing together. In addition, arthritis exercise schedules performed in the water can help maintain the exercise schedule while limiting the strains placed on the joints.

When first considering an arthritis exercise plan, many of us will continue to put off beginning, but the crucial think to recollect is to start slow and work their way up to more demanding exercises. Starting with stretching and exercises engineered to improve flexibility will help maintain the motion required for everyday activities round the house. Having access to a pool may also be an advantage as when in the water the weight is reduced on the knees, hips and ankles and water exercising can help get the body prepared for more laborious workouts.

As a person progresses through an arthritis exercise program, and feels more comfortable performing the exercises, they can move into weight training. This can help build up the muscles around the joint, which will take some of the stress from the bones and reduce the amount of pain associated with arthritis. Simply short walks will help build the leg muscles and learning yoga can help with flexibility. Another important aspect of arthritis exercise plans is they consist of low, or non-impact activities.

Exercise can also help strengthen the heart muscles and help reduce the possibility of coronary problems. Many who shun the thought of an arthritis exercise plan will end up living a stagnant lifestyle, which can create other health problems unrelated to the arthritis. While the excuse that exercising causes arthritis pain to grow worse may seem plausible, not exercising can actually cause the pain to become for consistent. Some form of low-impact exercise will help reduce the pain and strengthen the joints to help the patient live better with arthritis. - 30287

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Montana Softubs Are Energy Efficient and Low Cost

By Rebecca Montana

It might be obvious to many that the Hot Tub industry has not really been thought of as a GREEN industry before. The major reason being that most hot tub companies spray fiberglass and resins, use plastics and steel without much regard for the environment, except to follow EPA guidelines and call it a hot tub. Times have changed now and the "The California Energy Commission (CEC)" decided to set the trend. They created some of the most rigid standards in the USA that monitors energy efficiency. CEC recently revised a bill called "title 20", which sets a standard amount of allowable energy used by a portable spa/hot tub. The amount of allowable energy per the new guidelines, was not met by 65% of hot tub manufacturers. These hot tubs failed an independent study done by California Polytechnic State University. Softub, a 20 year old company, was the only manufacturer to pass these new guidelines without having to make any changes to its manufacturing process.

So now some hot tubs are showing up that comply with these new regulations or have since complied with manufacturing changes. It is important to note that Softub is a first in the Hot Tub Industry considering its unique design, function and in its green industry standards that have been a part of the "Green Movement", since its inception. Since many states are now adopting the CEC standards and implementing these energy requirements it is of value to note that it was Softub who lead the way to the greening of hot tubs.

Softub, a soft sided hot tub, was formed in'85 is one of the leading spa manufacturers worldwide and minimal changes to the product over the years including our "patented ozone water sanitation system" and our "smart chip power monitoring system" have added to this green product to make it the most energy efficient hot tub on the market. Below are some reasons that Softub has been a Green Leader in the hot tub industry:

1. Energy Efficiency - The state of California has one of the first governing body to adopt stringent energy efficiency guidelines for hot tubs. Now, like fuel economy standards for automobiles, all hot tubs sold in the state of California will be manufactured to meet a baseline energy usage level. You will find that all of the Softub models operate well under the required baselines for the units.

2. SmartChip Technology - The patented Softub Smartchip recognizes low power situations and shuts off your tub before any damage occurs. It is also programmed with a patented energy efficiency system. When the Smartchip senses a voltage drop it will shut down the pump. It will continue to monitor the in-coming power and will automatically restart the spa when the voltage returns to a normal level. In the event of a power outage, Smartchip automatically resets at 100 degrees. The patented "Energy Efficiency Program" monitors the filtration system. If the system filtrates during standard heating cycles, the programmed filter cycles are by-passed to save energy. If adequate filtration does not occur during heat cycles, the automatic filter cycles occur. Thanks to the Softub Smartchip, you can run all electrical appliances normally, without fear of damaging your spa or other household appliances.

3. Softub Patented Ozone Water Oxidizing System - For sparkling clean water and less chemical use, all Softub units come with a built-in ozone system. In Softubs, ozone is distributed evenly through all jets as opposed to other spas that utilize only 1 jet as a delivery port. This system is the only method that controls ozone delivery throughout the entire body of water. Ozone attaches to dirty chorine and oxidizes the contaminant and makes the chlorine new again, thus utilizing fewer chemicals.

In conclusion we can see that Softub has many aspects that make it your green hot tub solution. It is Softub's simplicity of operation, durability and true portability that are its biggest assets. If you enjoy the noise and splashing of 57 jets and waterfalls and sitting on a hard acrylic seat than Softub is not for you. However if you desire a quiet, theraputic experience than Softub just might be what you are looking for. Most hot tubs require 220 v 50Amp service that can cost between $800 and $2200 dollars to install, they require special foundations costing from $400 to $800 and the bigger the tub, the more maintenance. Softub was designed to overcome all the complaints of hot tub users and to this day, is the most advanced hot tub on the market for therapy and/or pleasure. And Softub is now considered the greenest hot tub in the market today. - 30287

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Montana Softubs Are Energy Efficient and Low Cost

By Rebecca Montana

Hot Tub Manufacturing has never been considered a GREEN industry before. That is why most Hot tub companies just manufacture hot tubs, spray fiberglass and resins, use plastics and steel without much regard for the environment, except to follow EPA guidelines. Then came the "The California Energy Commission (CEC)". They have some of the most rigid standards in the USA and they monitor energy efficiency. They recently passed a bill called "title 20", which sets a standard amount of allowable energy used by a portable spa/hot tub. The amount of allowable energy per the new guidelines, was not met by 65% of hot tub manufacturers who failed an independent study done by California Polytechnic State University. Softub, a 20 year old company, was the only manufacturer to pass these new guidelines without having to make any changes to its manufacturing process.

As is to be expected, there are now more and more hot tubs that are coming into compliance with these new stricter regulations or have since complied with manufacturing changes. Softub lead the way in the Hot Tub Industry because of its unique design, function and in its already green industry standards. Softub has been a part of the "Green Movement", since its inception. Many states are now adopting the CEC standards and implementing these energy requirements, does your hot tub meet those requirements?

Softub, a soft sided hot tub, was formed in'85 is one of the leading spa manufacturers worldwide and minimal changes to the product over the years including our "patented ozone water sanitation system" and our "smart chip power monitoring system" have added to this green product to make it the most energy efficient hot tub on the market. Below are some reasons that Softub has been a Green Leader in the hot tub industry:

1. Energy Efficiency is Softubs strong point - While the state of California was the first governing body to adopt energy efficiency guidelines for hot tubs. All Softub models have long operated well under the required baselines for the units. These guidelines are similar to fuel economy standards for automobiles so now all hot tubs sold in the state of California and soon other states as well, must meet a baseline energy usage level.

2. SmartChip Technology - The patented Softub Smartchip is able to recognize low power events, such as brown outs and will and shut off your tub before any damage occurs. Along with this is also programmed to have a patented energy efficiency system. When the Smartchip senses a voltage drop it will shut down the pump. It will continue to monitor the in-coming power and will automatically restart the spa when the voltage returns to a normal level. In the event of a power outage, Smartchip automatically resets at 100 degrees. The patented "Energy Efficiency Program" monitors the filtration system. If the system filtrates during standard heating cycles, the programmed filter cycles are by-passed to save energy. If adequate filtration does not occur during heat cycles, the automatic filter cycles occur. Thanks to the Softub Smartchip, you can run all electrical appliances normally, without fear of damaging your spa or other household appliances.

3. Softub Patented Ozone Water Oxidizing System - having sparkling clean water and using less chemicals has always been the challenge for the hot tub owner. With each Softub unit comes a built-in ozone system. In Softub's, ozone is distributed evenly through all jets. You will find that other spas will only utilize 1 jet as a delivery port. Softubs system then is the only method that controls ozone delivery throughout the entire body of water. Ozone is helpful because it attaches to dirty chlorine and oxidizes the contaminant and makes the chlorine new again, thus utilizing fewer chemicals and fewer dollars for chemical purchases.

In summary, Softub has many green aspects, but simplicity of operation, durability and true portability are its biggest assets. If you enjoy a good soak rather than the noise and splashing of 57 jets and waterfalls, Softub is your tub of choice. Most hot tubs require 220 v 50Amp service that can cost between $800 and $2200 dollars to install, they require special foundations costing from $400 to $800 and the bigger the tub, the more maintenance. Softub was designed around all the complaints of hot tub users and to this day, is the most advanced hot tub on the market for therapy and/or pleasure. Softub is also now considered to be the hot tub industries greenest tub. - 30287

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Montana Softubs Easy To Set Up - Cheap To Run

By Rebecca Montana

Hot Tub Manufacturing has never been considered a GREEN industry before. That is why most Hot tub companies just manufacture hot tubs, spray fiberglass and resins, use plastics and steel without much regard for the environment, except to follow EPA guidelines. Then came the "The California Energy Commission (CEC)". They have some of the most rigid standards in the USA and they monitor energy efficiency. They recently passed a bill called "title 20", which sets a standard amount of allowable energy used by a portable spa/hot tub. The amount of allowable energy per the new guidelines, was not met by 65% of hot tub manufacturers who failed an independent study done by California Polytechnic State University. Softub, a 20 year old company, was the only manufacturer to pass these new guidelines without having to make any changes to its manufacturing process.

So now some hot tubs are showing up that comply with these new regulations or have since complied with manufacturing changes. It is important to note that Softub is a first in the Hot Tub Industry considering its unique design, function and in its green industry standards that have been a part of the "Green Movement", since its inception. Since many states are now adopting the CEC standards and implementing these energy requirements it is of value to note that it was Softub who lead the way to the greening of hot tubs.

So what is a Softub? It is a soft sided hot tub. The company was formed in'85 and is considered to be one of the leading spa manufacturers worldwide. Softub has had to make minimal changes to the product over the years including the "patented ozone water sanitation system" and "smart chip power monitoring system". It is these elements that have added to this green product to make it the most energy efficient hot tub on the market. Below are some reasons that Softub has been THE Green Leader in the hot tub industry:

1. Energy Efficiency - The state of California has one of the first governing body to adopt stringent energy efficiency guidelines for hot tubs. Now, like fuel economy standards for automobiles, all hot tubs sold in the state of California will be manufactured to meet a baseline energy usage level. You will find that all of the Softub models operate well under the required baselines for the units.

2. SmartChip Technology - The patented Softub Smartchip is able to recognize low power events, such as brown outs and will and shut off your tub before any damage occurs. Along with this is also programmed to have a patented energy efficiency system. When the Smartchip senses a voltage drop it will shut down the pump. It will continue to monitor the in-coming power and will automatically restart the spa when the voltage returns to a normal level. In the event of a power outage, Smartchip automatically resets at 100 degrees. The patented "Energy Efficiency Program" monitors the filtration system. If the system filtrates during standard heating cycles, the programmed filter cycles are by-passed to save energy. If adequate filtration does not occur during heat cycles, the automatic filter cycles occur. Thanks to the Softub Smartchip, you can run all electrical appliances normally, without fear of damaging your spa or other household appliances.

3. Softub Patented Ozone Water Oxidizing System - In a Hot Tub having sparkling clean water can be a head ache to achieve and very expensive. Softub uses less chemicals and all Softub units come with a built-in ozone system. In Softub's the ozone is distributed evenly through all jets. You will find that other spas only utilize 1 jet as a delivery port. This patented system is what allows for cost effective ozone delivery throughout the entire body of water. Ozone attaches to dirty chlorine and oxidizes the contaminants and makes the chlorine fresh again, thus utilizing fewer chemicals and helping your pocket book too.

In this day and time, finding ways to go green are more cost effective and help our environment. Softub has many green aspects along with its simplicity of operation, durability and true portability being some of its biggest assets. If you enjoy a good soak rather than the noise and splashing of 57 jets and waterfalls, Softub can be your tub of choice. Most hot tubs require 220 v 50Amp service that can cost between $800 and $2200 dollars to install, they also require special concrete or other foundations costing from $400 to $800 and the bigger heavier tubs require a lot more maintenance. Softub was designed to resolve all the obstacles to owning a hot tub. Softub is considered by the industry to now be one of the most advanced hot tubs on the market for therapy and/or pleasure. And Softub is now considered the greenest as well. - 30287

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How Gout Can Affect Children

By Kathy Nelson

Many people who suffer from gout have heard that it is referred to as being caused by a combination of rich food and beer, therefore is has become known as the disease of kings. However this often means that people assume children are not in danger of suffering from gout, as not many children will drink that much beer.

One of the causes of gout is the increase of uric crystals around your joints. Mostly this will start to show itself in your big toe, from here it can travel around your body causing more damage as it goes. It doesn't matter that you could be very young and consider yourself not at risk from gout, you are not too young to feel the pain that gout attacks bring.

Over the past twenty years, kids have changed in the way they eat, drink and exercise. Computers and fast food have more of an influence which means they spend less time doing outdoor exercise and playing sports. Processed foods and drinks tend to form most of a kid's diet which is not good for them. Kids do not care to drink much normal water which would be much better for them.

The levels of uric acid in the body can be raised by the intake of sodas and fructose. As a result of this, there has been an increase in the reported cases of gout. No longer is gout known as the disease of kings. The amount of soda and "nutritional" beverages that we drink has increased over recent years, it is a consequence that so will cases of gout.

People who suffer from gout can greatly reduce the number of attacks they have by simply controlling their diet. It sounds easy, but some will not have the focus to stick to a healthier diet despite the obvious benefits. If you are in a routine then it can be hard to break it, even more if you are a little older. But it can be done and can have a very positive effect on your gout.

You need to think about how your child's diet will affect them not only now, but years down the line when they are older. You could be allowing them to get into bad eating habits which will stick with them for a long time. Because of this you should try to steer them away from foods or beverages which are high in their fructose content.

In present times people tend to be much more rushed and have less time to spend actually making sure that they foods they buy are high in nutrition. This is understandable as it can often be hard to spend quality time shopping for good quality foods if you have heavy work commitments as well as your children distracting you if you take them shopping.

Your weekly trip to the supermarket should be the basis of preventing gout problems in your family. You can cut out foods which are bad for you before they get anywhere near your fridge or kitchen. For a start you can avoid foods and drinks which contain high levels of uric acid causing chemicals. Also try to cut out drinks which are high in fructose. By doing this you can cut down on the chances of your children developing gout problems, as well as leading a more healthy lifestyle in general. - 30287

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Finding Alternative Ways to Deal With Pain

By Dr. Julian Reindhurst

Dealing with tight, sore, contracting muscles is life for many of the 2.5 million people around the planet suffer from Multiple Sclerosis. Such is the case for many of the 15 million patients with spinal cord injuries who also suffer from the same symptoms, which cause pain, limit movement, and rob people of needed sleep.

Several conventional medications are available to help mitigate some of the discomfort, yet they rarely provide the patient with total relief. These conventional drugs often times cause weakness, make the patient constantly sleepy, and has side effects that many of the patients find intolerable such as constant constipation.

Given this outlook, it is not hard to understand why some people with multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries have sought relief through marijuana as it has shown to reduce pain and muscle spasms.

Patients of spinal chord injuries and MS also said they valued the drug because it relieved nausea or helped them sleep. A'82 study of people with spinal cord injuries, found that 21 of 43 of the case studies reported that marijuana lessened muscle spasticity (a condition in which muscles tense reflexively and resist stretching), while nearly every participant in a'97 survey of 112 regular marijuana users with multiple sclerosis replied that the drug lessened both pain and spasticity.

This study is not intended to show that all people who suffer from MS find relief simply those who use marijuana do.

Animal research demonstrates that marijuana reduces muscle spasticity. Spasms are theorized to occur in areas of the brain that manage movement, including various areas that have abundant cannabinoid receptors.

One such experiment showed that when rodents receive small doses of cannabinoids they become more active, yet when they receive higher doses they are less active

Many marijuana users also note that the drug affects movement, making their bodies sway and their hands unsteady.

It's still unknown how the compounds of the cannabinoids create this effect. With all of the findings that suggest the plant has anecdotal properties, clinical research remains largely untested.

Very few reports are helpful because they are limited in the amount of people and in general hard to find.

Still, the lack of good universally effective medicine for muscle spasticity is a compelling reason to continue exploring cannonaded drugs in the clinic. - 30287

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Tips For Helping Loved Ones Through Alzheimer's

By Jen Pursens

Alzheimer's is a painful disease to suffer through for the person with the disease and also for loved ones near the patient. It is a degenerative disease of the brain that gets progressively worse and can affect millions of people. Though it already affects many people, that number is expected to double in the next twenty years.

When you realize exactly how many people are already suffering from this disease, it can be a scary thought. That's why it is so important that people who may be affected by Alzheimer's find a solution to provide care, like senior home care, or other methods to manage the disease.

Alzheimer's is a common disease, but many are unaware of its symptoms. Being aware of the symptoms can be very helpful because if you can catch the warning signs early, you can start developing a proactive approach for how to manage and deal with it. Catching the symptoms early can also help you decide if you will need senior home care.

The symptoms can include, but are not limited to memory loss that gets progressively worse, impaired decision making that is completely out of character or someone, and speech impairments. Keep in mind, the symptoms can be more obvious with people who have suffered serious head injuries in the past or people that have had other family members suffer from Alzheimer's.

If you suspect that a loved one is starting to feel some of these early stages of Alzheimer's then you should quickly consult a doctor for a formal diagnosis. Your physician will have to start monitoring the person to see if they can spot the important behavioral symptoms and determine whether or not it is impairing their ability to function properly or otherwise hindering their cognitive abilities.

Depending on the prognosis, you may decide that senior home care is your best option. You might even decide that this is the right time to assign Power of Attorney in case the patient suddenly can't make independent decisions. The doctor should also set up regular appointments for new evaluations.

Perhaps the best advice for anyone taking care of an Alzheimer's patient is to be proactive about your care plans. Yes, there are drugs on the market and they can help, but there are many things you can do on your own. Select appropriate activities that they can participate in, or join in with an early stages Alzheimer's social group. You should also try to make their living environments safer and more comfortable.

You should always try your best to keep the patient actively involved with their own treatment, and try to discuss all the legal and financial matters that have to be resolved. Many senior home care services will offer a lot of help when you need to get everything sorted out. - 30287

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Unconventional Methods of Therapy Prove Promising

By Dr. Julian Reindhurst

For thousands of years, marijuana has been used for medical reasons ranging from a reliever for earaches, child pains as well as stress. It can be traced all throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Medical research recently has also unearthed in the past decade marijuana's effects on various kinds of pains. These range from damaged nerves in people that have HIV, diabetic treatment, and spinal injuries--marijuana has also shown promise to patients with cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.

Medical marijuana has been theorized to help with nausea related to symptoms induced by chemotherapy, and with severe loss of appetite as with patients with AIDS wasting syndrome.

Marijuana is effective with these actions due to the active ingredients of tetrahydro cannabinol (THC) and some 60 other cannabinoids, which mimic the action of chemicals that are known as endogenous cannabinoids, and exist naturally in the brain. Those cannabinoids activate receptors in our nerves, triggering physiological responses.

The only legal extract of THC currently available is Marinol however the results are not evn close to the effects of naturally smoked medical marijuana. Taken orally, its absorption is highly variable and unpredictable and often delayed, says Dr. Igor Grant, a UC San Diego psychiatrist who directs the university's Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research. "Smoking is a very efficient way to deliver THC," he mentions.

Medical marijuana is considered illegal under federal laws, so its only available is selected clinics in states such as California where they have passed laws making marijuana legal for personal medical use.

Research on the medicinal use of marijuana relies on government-issued marijuana cigarettes, which come in different strengths and are supplied by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

The University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research in San Diego helps coordinate clinical studies to investigate the safety and effectiveness of marijuana and they've discovered in their studies related to neuropathic pain, Multiple sclerosis, and nausea. - 30287

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Conquering Fibromyalgia Forever

By Tre Pleggi

While watching television, numerous advertisements come on concerning fibromyalgia. Just what is fibromyalgia and why all the concern. Fibromyalgia is defined as a syndrome rather than a disease, because it has no specific cause or symptom. Its characteristics include widespread muscle and joint pain and debilitating fatigue. The disorder causes heightened pain all over the body with multiple tender points that are painful to the touch. An individual with this condition suffers physical and psychological distress interfering with daily living. Physicians are unaware of what causes fibromyalgia and have no conclusive tests to identify it, but they are inclined to believe that the basis of the physical pain is brought on by psychological stress. For those who suffer from this painful condition, and there are millions worldwide, conquering fibromyalgia now is essential to their well being.

Signs and Symptoms

For those suffering from fibromyalgia, the symptoms can be many, including debilitating fatigue, sleep disorders, and joint stiffness with numbness and tingling. Other symptoms include irritable bowel, chronic headaches, jaw pain, anxiety and depression. Some feel that their symptoms were brought on by a physical or emotional trauma, while in others there was no triggering event. It is estimated that 2-4% of the population suffers from fibromyalgia and therefore it affects millions of people worldwide. For those who suffer from severe symptoms, conquering fibromyalgia is possible and essential for basic daily activities.

Diagnosing fibromyalgia is difficult because it is a syndrome and not a disease. Physicians use several criteria in their diagnosis, one of which is using pressure on the multiple tender points. There are' different sites that are used in this method, but the cause of pressure points is not known. Many symptoms occur together such as the tender points, anxiety, extreme fatigue widespread pain in muscles and joints. This is the reason fibromyalgia is called a syndrome, because it has no one specific symptom or cause. Because there are no conclusive tests to diagnose fibromyalgia, physicians rely on physical examination and medical history to accurately pinpoint it.


The exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known. People who suffer from fibromyalgia find that anxiety, stress, depression and physical exhaustion worsen the pain. Lack of sleep, infections, and even the change in weather, all seem to be contributing factors. Researchers have identified individuals who are at higher risk for developing fibromyalgia. These factors include gender, age, chronic sleep disturbances, family history and rheumatic disease. People who have sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, as well as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus are placed in this high risk category. It can even attack people when there is extreme physical and emotional stress. Conquering fibromyalgia forever is especially crucial for women because they are 10 times more likely than men to develop this condition.


Individuals who are suffering with this disorder are looking for help and want to know if conquering fibromyalgiais possible. They are suffering from fatigue, sleep disturbances, migraines, jaw pain and often psychological distress. Pain management is the first goal a patient is looking for in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Some recommendations to help ease the pain can involve therapy massage or exercise which helps ease pain, muscle tension and spasms. Applying moist heat can benefit stiffness as well. Stress increases the pain over tender points and decreases the ability to cope with pain. Therefore stress management is an important means to control the pain. Using low doses of antidepressant medications is another recommendation in controlling pain. Some individuals find help from deep breathing exercises or relaxation techniques. Treatment recommendations include daily rest, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly and eating healthy foods is important as well.

Who can help?

Those who suffer from this condition do best when they have the support from family, friends, and others who suffer from fibromyalgia. There are many organizations providing classes and access to support groups where help in conquering fibromyalgia is possible and available. Finding this help and getting advice from these groups is something that could not be found anywhere else. It is most gratifying when these individuals know they are not alone in their pain.

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by widespread muscle and joint pain. The cause is unknown and the symptoms are many. Because it is a syndrome, many symptoms occur at the same time, making diagnosis difficult. It is an ongoing disorder looking for a solution. - 30287

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A Brief Explanation Of What Alternative Complimentary Medicine Is About

By Richard Ealom

Alternative complimentary medicine is the name used to describe any medical remedy or products that do not fall under the traditional realm of modern medicine. Alternative medicine describes a remedy that is used in place of a customary one, and complimentary medicine is an alternative medicine treatment that is used in conjunction with orthodox ones.

Any choice concerning your health should be taken very seriously, and this is only one reason why you ought to make it a priority to find out about alternative complimentary treatments.

Exactly What is Alternative Complimentary Remedies?

Alternative complimentary treatments is a compilation of medical and health systems that are not considered to be a component of conventional remedies. When it comes to safety, each treatment should be considered on its own, just as you would with all contemporary health cures.

Patients respond differently to remedies, and so though an alternative complimentary medicine treatment might work flawlessly for one person, the same treatment might not work at all or have a harmful affect on a different person. Choose any novel form of medicine cautiously.

Bear in mind that when it comes to alternative complimentary medicine treatments, the training, practice and skill level of the practitioner can have an effect on the overall safety of the process. Of course, all treatments, whether alternative, complimentary, or modern medical practices have certain risks.

All risks involved in this kind of medical treatment depend on the specific therapy you are utilizing. You can shun or at least decrease any risk by speaking to your current healthcare providers about any alternative complimentary medicine you plan on taking. This will allow your doctor to have a full view of the ways you are handling your health and well being.

You can take charge of your own health by being an up to date consumer, and this means that it may necessarily be up to you to delve into the safety and known side effects of a particular treatment, as well as the success rate of the treatment. Certainly, this should be done prior to letting yourself get involved with any treatment.

Technical support is accessible in regards to the effectiveness of some alternative complimentary medical practices, but for many types of treatment there are still vital questions to be studied and answered through the use of acceptable technical studies. As of now, there are no fact-based, scientific studies to back these alternative complimentary remedies. - 30287

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Unconventional Methods of Therapy Prove Promising

By Dr. Julian Reindhurst

For thousands of years, marijuana has been used for medical reasons ranging from a reliever for earaches, child pains as well as stress. It can be traced all throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Medical research recently has also unearthed in the past decade marijuana's effects on various kinds of pains. These range from damaged nerves in people that have HIV, diabetic treatment, and spinal injuries--marijuana has also shown promise to patients with cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.

Marijuana has also been speculated to help with nausea brought on by chemotherapy and antiretroviral therapy, as well as with severe loss of appetite as seen in people with the AIDS wasting syndrome.

THC is an ingredient in marijuana that mimics the action of chemicals that naturally occur in the brain. The tetrahydro cannabinol (THC) activates receptors in the body's nerves that trigger physiological responses in the brain.

The only legal extract of THC currently available is Marinol however the results are not evn close to the effects of naturally smoked medical marijuana. Taken orally, its absorption is highly variable and unpredictable and often delayed, says Dr. Igor Grant, a UC San Diego psychiatrist who directs the university's Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research. "Smoking is a very efficient way to deliver THC," he mentions.

Medical marijuana is considered illegal under federal laws, so its only available is selected clinics in states such as California where they have passed laws making marijuana legal for personal medical use.

The only research regarding medical marijuana, comes from the US government issued marijuana cigarettes that come in varying strengths and are supplied to the NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse).

The University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research in San Diego helps coordinate clinical studies to investigate the safety and effectiveness of marijuana and they've discovered in their studies related to neuropathic pain, Multiple sclerosis, and nausea. - 30287

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